Lara Manton • Jan 10, 2023

New Year, New Goals for your business

New Year, New Goals for your business

January is the time to wipe the slate clean. Yes it’s important to reflect on the year gone by so you know what things went right, but you should also highlight the things which may not have gone so well for your business. It’s not great thinking about the goals which you didn’t achieve or the mistakes you made but by doing so you will be able to learn in order to change. If you continue to repeat the same actions over and over, then the same mistakes will be made and the same amount of progress achieved. Use this time to reflect, learn and move on.

We help businesses to set their business goals, to reassess them and to get them back on track. It’s important that you review your goals on at least a monthly basis and if you do this with your bookkeeper, you will make good headway.

Before setting your goals for the year, think about where you want your business to be this time next year, in 5 years and even 10 years. Short term goal setting will help you to achieve your long term goals. Be SMART when setting your goals. By this we mean make sure that the goals you set are SPECIFIC, MEASURABLE, ACHIEVABLE, REALISTIC and TIME LIMITED. 

If your goal is not specific enough then you are less likely to achieve it. The more detail you put into your goal the more real it will feel and the more motivated you will be to achieve it.

Your goal must be measurable so that you know whether you are on track to smash it, or if you need to put more effort in, in order to achieve it. 

Setting yourself unrealistic goals will only disappoint you, meaning you will lose your drive and motivation. A goal should be challenging but not out of reach. Break down your goal into achievable milestones, you will soon find your goal much easier to achieve than you first thought.

A goal with no time restraint is just a dream. Set yourself a target date, if you achieve it by this date, then amazing, but if not, don’t worry you can reassess the situation and move barriers accordingly. 

If you’re struggling to set yourself SMART business goals, then we would love to help you. Book a discovery call today and make your dreams become reality. 

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