Lara Manton • Oct 13, 2021

Why networking is good for business

Networking is about developing new relationships in order to help you to grow your business. It can open up many new doors for you. It gives you the opportunity to speak to people about your business and how you can help each other. Networking doesn’t just necessarily help you to generate new business it may also give you a better insight into new ideas. You may also come across new suppliers to help you cut costs or buy better quality items to introduce into your business and exchange knowledge and experience. 

You probably network on a daily basis without even realising you’re doing it. Your existing network is friends and family, neighbours, parents at school, people at the gym, basically anyone you know (you don’t even need to know their name, they are still part of your network). This type of networking will come naturally to you but you may find it more difficult when it comes to talking about your business with people you don’t know. The more confidence you have in your business the better the impact when talking to strangers about what you do. 

If you haven’t got the confidence to speak to people then social media is the first place you should try out to promote your business. The average number of people that an adult is connected to on Facebook is 338 and the majority don’t talk to half of these connections. Share your business page on your profile and invite all your connections to like and follow. These people may not be your ideal client but they may know someone who is interested, and people like to talk! Drop into their DM’s (Direct Messages) once in a while and let them know how you’re getting on. You can also use social media to connect with groups in your community where your ideal client hangs out. The more visible you are in these groups the more likely you are to generate new business. 

The whole point of networking is to develop new relationships with people in order to grow your business, so don’t forget to nurture your new contacts. Keep in touch with them on a regular basis, even if it’s just via a newsletter, don’t let them forget where you are!

Now that covid restrictions have started to ease, in-person networking events are now taking place again. Make sure you know of any upcoming events where your ideal client will be in attendance and get yourself a ticket! You will be surprised at how much your confidence will soar once you have been to a couple of these events. As long as you are passionate about what you do, then you can’t go wrong at these events. 

In summary, networking is good for business to raise your profile and connect with new people, grow your confidence, develop a better understanding of the industry and open doors to new opportunities for your business.

So what are you waiting for? Get talking about your business!

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